
Donate to Legacy

The Legacy School is a non-public educational program that provides a safe, nurturing and innovative experience for students with language-based learning disabilities.

The cost of educating a student at Legacy is far greater than the price of tuition. As we operate our program as a nonprofit, 501c(3), we rely on the generosity of our school community to supplement our tuition. Through donations from our current and past parents, alumni, grandparents, the local community, and other friends of the school Legacy receives funds that amount to approximately 15% of our operating expenses each year. This helps keep tuition at a price families can afford as well as fund special projects resulting in an even more specialized education.


We invite all members of the Legacy community and beyond to participate by contributing at any level, whether a charitable gift, a bequest or even purchasing an item from our wish list. Every donation helps! This voluntary financial support affirms that we are committed to our students, and helps to ensure that each student experiences an unparalleled education utilizing unique methods for unique minds.


Leave your Legacy with the Legacy School!

Legacy was a game-changer for Wade.  I believe that Jamie and her teachers love what they do and put immense thought, time and effort into teaching our kids.  I hope that Jamie is able to grow Legacy so that other children like Wade, who may be lost in a typical classroom setting, can benefit from the personalized education Legacy provides. 
Please join me in making a gift to Legacy’s Annual Fund.  Your gift will provide immediate impact on this year’s budget. Truly, any size gift helps.  You can mail a check to the school or use the PayPal link which makes it SO easy!
Lissa C.
Ways to Give

Annual Fund

Our primary goal is to provide an excellent and individualized education to EVERY student who attends the Legacy School. We depend on our Annual Fund to bridge the gap between a student’s tuition and what it really costs to provide that education. This is our most important fundraising campaign because it benefits everyone on our campus. We ask that every family support this effort to ensure our success and our future. With 100% participation, we’re more likely to qualify for grant dollars and corporate donations, which will only strengthen our goal of empowering learning for dyslexic children.


Through the Annual Fund, we’re able provide our students and teachers with the resources they need without compromising our mission. The Annual Fund ensures that our current students benefit and thrive under our low student-teacher ratio, enabling these children to become empowered, life-long learners.

Scholarship Fund

Our goal is to empower ALL children who need our services. We know, many times families find us after years of struggle and they literally have nowhere else to turn. By donating to the Legacy School Scholarship Fund, you are changing the course of a child’s life. We are humbled by the success stories our families share. We established our scholarship fund to provide assistance to ensure families – and their children – have access to a stellar education despite their means.

Gift of Stock

Did you know you can donate stock directly to the Legacy School and potentially save money on your taxes? With a Gift of Stock, neither you nor the Legacy School pay taxes on the donated funds. A few benefits to you include avoiding capital gains taxes on the securities’ appreciated value and receiving a double income tax benefit because you’re gifting a publicly-traded security. The tax benefits could be substantial and the impact on our school will be transformative. For more information, please contact Allyson Lestner from The Legacy Group, Inc. at 410.828.4411 x231 or

Planned Giving

There are many ways to honor the Legacy School or a student by making a Planned Gift. When gifts are made through your estate plans, many times it results in favorable financial benefits for you or your estate. Knowing that every financial situation is unique, there is no “one size fits all’ method for giving. Planned Giving can be a wonderful way to give based on your asset mix and financial situation. The Legacy School welcomes gifts made through a variety of planned giving options.


One of the most popular planned giving arrangements is through a Bequest. All it takes is a quick phone call to your attorney to add a charitable gift to the Legacy School in your will. If you have decided to include The Legacy School in your estate plans, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity and make sure we know the purpose of the gift. Some other common types of planned giving include, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, retirement plans, and life insurance policies. Each method conveys special benefits to the donor, and everyone enhances the future of Legacy School.

Making a Gift

Making a Gift is easy, tax-deductible, and can be done in a variety of ways. You can donate online, mail a check in or meet with our leadership to find out how you can make the biggest impact on our students and school with the resources you wish to donate.

The Legacy School was built by the support of an entire community, and your support will ensure our continued operation.
Be a part of the future with us, one child at a time. Feel free to contact Jamie Caplan, head of school, at 410-549-1717 with questions or to discuss how you can support the Legacy School.